Address 68 Põllu Street, Tallinn, Harju County, Estonia. Area 12 659 m²
Year 2019-2022
Status – under construction
Landscape project – preliminary design and detailed design by Kaja Sepper and Lidia Zarudnaya. Also coordinated transplantation of plants of importance for nature conservation. Formed measures for protecting trees during construction and made detailed calculations for replacement planting. Laid down a maintenance plan for existing trees and new green areas. And construction supervision by designer.
Main designer Infragate Eesti
Architecture Raadius Architects
Conception. The sports and fitness center is built into pine-cowberry forest so it’s very important to maintain the natural environment and bring the attention to its strengths – big old pine trees and wild looking outdoor area with brushes of blueberries and cowberries. The landscape project is amplifying the wild look and therefore very natural flowerbed design is suggested and native plants are used where possible. Due to the fact that the sports and fitness center is used by school student it is crucial to have colors during the times of intense usability starting from autumn until late spring. Therefore the plants are selected in the way that there are colors all year around.–